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How will you be remembered?

Create your own immortality as and the way that YOU want to be remembered for FREE here at and much more.

What you can do at AfterLifeStyles

Create your own Spirit​

Create how you want to be remembered by your family, friends, descendants and the world. We provide you with tools to create interesting themes, backgrounds, galleries and a range of extending options to show the real YOU.

Elvis Presley

The King of Rock and Roll

Create other Spirits

You can also create other Spirits to remember those you loved in the way you think best profiles their life, nature and achievements. You can also create Spirits for celebrities, historic figures, sporting greats etc… or a profile for your children to take over when they get older.

Browse the Spirit World

Browse or Search throughout the Spirit World to “meet” people from the past such as:
  • Your ancestors
  • Family and friends
  • Historic figures
  • Past Celebrities
  • Exotic and Fantasy Locations
  • Sporting greats

Online Wills



Last Wishes



Last Video



Be Prepared

The Corona Virus pandemic has made us all realise how vulnerable we all are and, for most of us, just how unprepared we are if we were to die prematurely.

As Shakespere said “Be still prepared for death: and death or life shall thereby be the sweeter“.

AfterLifeStyles provides you with all the tools you need to be prepared.

Look what's coming
to AfterLifeStyles

The site you are viewing is just Stage 1 of a much larger project. Future Stages will incorporate these new features.

We want you to be a part of this growth and look forward to your participation and suggestions.

Bucket List

Once you've prepared for death and how you will be remembered - go and check off all your Bucket-List Goals


We will be introducing Event Spirits which you can create for any personal, historic or worldwide event


Groups will allow several members to create and update the same Spirit eg. a family member or famous event


Tours- allows like minded members to tour various Spirits or Events at the same time with interactive Chat