about ALS

Ian Turner -Founder

AfterLifeStyles came about as a direct result of the Corona Virus pandemic of 2020. In this case “About Us” is really meaning “About YOU”

“In 2008 I formulated the idea of a website where everyone could create their own ‘immortality’ – an interactive way of designing how they want to be remembered. At the time no one wanted to dwell on the idea of death so I abandoned it.”

“When the Corona Virus infected the world in 2020 people became more aware of their vulnerability and all the ideas I had back in 2008 became dramatically more relevant – so I re-incarnated AfterLifeStyles and added a LOT MORE”.

“Hope you enjoy it”

Our Mission

Let Your Spirit Soar - Now and Forever

Our mission is to allow every person to fulfill their lives, be prepared for death and to be remembered forever.

Live Your Life
The AfterLifeStyles Bucket List lets you set and tick off your life goals in accordance with your timeframe.
Be Prepared
AfterLifeStyles gives you the tools to be ready for death and give your loved one a clear understanding of what you want.
Be Remembered
Let the memory of your life's Spirit live on forever to be visited by your friends, family, your ancestors and the World.

Meet Our Team

All our team members are dedicated towards giving you the best and most professional experience at AfterLifeStyles

Ian Turner
Founder CEO

Former Sales/Marketing manager who wanted to help you be remembered

Ben 2015
Ben Turner
Marketing Manager

Ben has extensive experience in Internet-related marketing strategies

Ray Baker
Sales Manager

Ray brings extensive skills in empathetic sales to deliver client solutions

Amy Linkoln
Studio Manager

Responsible for creating a worldwide network of photo/video studios.