Be Prepared for Death

“Be still prepared for death: and death or life shall thereby be the sweeter”

William Shakespere

Shakespere was Right

The better prepared we are for death the more we can enjoy life knowing that all our affairs are in order. Your AfterLifeStyles VAULT can help you be ready in so MANY ways:


Who do you want notified of your death and how they should be advised

Online Will

Have it ready and be able to change it when necessary as circumstances change

Messages & Secrets

Send personalised messages to your friends and family letting you know how you felt about them or share secrets kept


Select your Executor/s and let them know everything needed to administer your estate

Close Accounts

Create a detailed list of the accounts that need to be closed upon your death

Last Wishes

To be buried or cremated, where and how it's to be done, who you want invited etc


Make sure all your physical and digital assets can be accessed by your executor

My Spirit

How will I be remembered by friends, family, my ancestors & the world

Below is a quick check list to see how well you are prepared for you passing

All the above and more can be done in one place -

Be in control of your life and your death

AfterLifeStyles provides you, not only with the tools to facilitate all the above options, but also the flexibility to change them as your circumstances change.